Craig Ferguson Ass Mode Cross Stitch Pattern

This Craig Ferguson Ass Mode cross stitch pattern is now available in my Etsy shop!craig ferguson ass mode cross stitch pattern

This pattern comes from the intros to his Tweetmail (Tweets and emails) segment. This video shows the first jingle from the Twitter era, and it introduced us to “Ass Möde.”

“Ass Möde” must have hit someone’s funny bone as they carried the phrase over into every other intro. The jingles’ themes range from The Beatles and Bollywood to David Bowie and Japanese monster movies to 70’s glam rock and 80’s hair bands, but “Ass Möde” is always there.

Other than the original intro above, my favorite is the dance version in this next video (skip ahead to 1:38).

This pattern is perfect for all hobos and fans of Craig Ferguson and the Late Late Show, especially his Robot Skeleton Army. It’s great for beginners (and what better time to pick up a new craft?) and more experienced stitchers alike.

Craig will be leaving the Late Late Show, but Ass Möde lives on!

Update 12/30/14: I’ve bedazzled Ass Möde and it looks great!craig ferguson ass mode cross stitch pattern now bedazzled